Schedule Now TIME TO MOVE We are a high qualified trainer team who want to give you the best support, we can! Don´t hesitate to contact us for more information. We are excited for your visit. Learn more

Personal Training

Team Training

Group Classes

About Us

We are Tino, Sven, and Sebastian, and together we are W1. We offer many years of experience in the field of personal training and chiropractic medicine. W1 is more than a gym. It is a place where people come together who want to invest in their personal & mental health. If you want to improve your health and reach your goals, W1 is the right place for you! We are here to help you to set your health and lifestyle goals, achieve them in a structured and achievable manner, and create a better you.

Corporate Health

We are specialized in working with companies and give them the highest standard of training support. We offer a big space for weekly training and workshops. Our coaches convince with quality education and give you and your employees an awesome training experience.


Coworking Space

You are a trainer or therapist and you are looking for an awesome place to train your clients? Then our gym is the right place for you!

Contact Details

When you interested in working an growing together, contact us!


W1 GYM / Volbedingstraße 2 /04357 Leipzig


